Looking back at 2022, it was quite a remarkable year. Through the year, we published consistent insights related to several key themes like strategic sourcing and procurement, sourcing analytics, supplier relationship management and sustainability. However, these are just a few of the topics that you may have read about in our blogs last year. Now that we have stepped into 2023, let’s look back at some of the top blogs from 2022, which were popular amongst our readers.

Alternatives to SAP Ariba – Why MeRLIN Could be a Better Choice as your Strategic Sourcing Solution? – A Comparison of SAP Ariba with MeRLIN
MeRLIN and Ariba both have highly robust analytics and direct sourcing features, making them two of the best strategic sourcing software options available. But read this blog to see how MeRLIN outperforms Ariba in several capabilities.

Getting Started with Strategic Sourcing Analytics
Strategic sourcing analytics is one of the key components of strategic sourcing and procurement management that aids in decision making. Read to know how Sourcing Analytics covers supplier management, category management, sourcing management, contract management, and purchase management.

Strategic Sourcing for Procurement in Public Sector
Strategic sourcing analytics is one of the key components of strategic sourcing and procurement management that aids in decision making. Read to know how Sourcing Analytics covers supplier management, category management, sourcing management, contract management, and purchase management.

Procurement is a Game of Chess that depends on your Strategic moves. Play wisely!! [Infographic]
Inspired by the logic of supply and demand power, this well-designed infographic explains how ‘Kearney’s Procurement Chessboard’ may be used to identify and build Strategic Sourcing and Procurement strategies for diverse market scenarios.

A Guide to Sustainable Procurement for Greener & Safer Supply Chains
Inspired by the logic of supply and demand power, this well-designed infographic explains how ‘Kearney’s Procurement Chessboard’ may be used to identify and build Strategic Sourcing and Procurement strategies for diverse market scenarios.

Significance of Data Engineering in Sourcing Analytics
The IT ecosystem of the sourcing process is so disparate that the need for data engineering is essential to make data relevant and complete for sourcing and procurement analytics.

German Supply Chain Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz) – What it Means to SCM & Procurement Professionals
On June 11, 2021, the German Federal Parliament enacted the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG). Read to understand the implications for companies, consequences of non compliance and best practices to follow.

How to Improve your Procurement Efficiency with Effective Contract Management?
If you are looking to gain an edge in procurement using contract management, then this blog explains how to use a contract management solution that helps you to boost your procurement efficiency.

Effective Supplier Relationship Management – Key to Building a Resilient Supply Base
An effective supplier sourcing strategy is at the heart of the procurement process. For a detailed view of the supplier lifecycle and how a Strategic Sourcing Solution can help with Supplier Relationship Management read this post.

Procurement in Automotive Industry – Time to Rethink Strategies
The blog presents an overview of procurement in automotive procurement, the key challenges, and strategies adopted by OEMs and auto suppliers to address these issues.

How to become an agile CPO (Chief Procurement Officer)?
An agile CPO can be innovative, outperform on target savings and expense, highly influence stakeholder and minimize risks. Read this blog for some recommendations on how in the capacity of a CPO to bring agility into your organization.

Maximize Procurement Efficiency and Savings with Analytics – Getting Insights from your Procurement Data
Quick decision making in essential to navigate in this volatile market. In this blog, we have attempted to highlight some of the most significant ways that procurement department can use procurement analytics to gain insights and improve the efficiency across the procurement lifecycle.
Outlook for 2023
We’ll keep providing excellent content with our blog posts, and also keep an eye out for those that particularly resonate with you. Several excellent pieces are already in work, and excited to publish them soon.
Last but not least, thank you for taking the time to read our top blogs from 2022. We sincerely hope you liked reading them as much as we did writing them. Do check out our blogs frequently, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for future posts.