MeRLIN Platform

A Scalable, Flexible & Modular Platform Designed to Deliver Unmatched Procurement Performance and Agility

MeRLIN’s world-class scalable and secure platform equips sourcing professionals with automation, integration and collaboration capabilities to achieve excellent sourcing results and deliver profitability.

Extensive Configurability

Configure workflows, business rules, response templates and more

Highly Scalable & Secure

Highly scalable, modular, flexible and secure platform tested and OWASP Top 10 Certified

Easy to Deploy & Integrate

Flexible deployment options and seamless Integrations


MeRLIN Technical Platform

MeRLIN’s platform is based on Microsoft Technology stack and empowers sourcing leaders to be agile in decision making, offering improved compliance and security. Its robust features provide all you need to configure processes to streamline your procurement function the way you want it to be. MeRLIN is available on the Microsoft Azure Cloud platform.


MeRLIN Platform Features

Maximize Operational and Financial Performance with Exceptional Contract Management

Master Data Handling

A single source of truth collating disparate data, provides visibility to run global sourcing programs and mitigate risks.


Configure workflow & exception approvals across your business processes. Define Role & Rule based Multi-level approval scenarios seamlessly.


Ensure complete traceability with role-based accesses and audit logs. Know exactly who, where and when a field was updated.


MeRLIN is available on the Cloud and deployed on the Microsoft Azure Platform. Under specific situations, MeRLIN can also be deployed in your data centre.


MeRLIN’s highly configurable platform lets you create category-specific templates & effectively modify the application behaviour to meet your procurement processes.

Contract Repository

Get complete visibility with a centralized Contract Repository having information on all executed contracts

Delegation and Transfers

Reduce process wait with clearly defined delegations and transfers. Delegate or transfer one or more tasks to another user with appropriate roles.


Integrate with your existing ERPs or bespoke systems using industry standard middleware to ensure seamless data flow. Read More



Uncover meaningful insights from your sourcing data and trends that translates to new opportunities for savings and growth.

MeRLIN Strategic Sourcing Solution Factsheet