Workflow Management with MeRLIN

Improve Efficiency and Compliance with Configurable Workflows

Automate business processes with workflows and business rules to reduce processing time, minimize errors and eliminate paperwork.

Complete Configurability

Create workflow approval structures for your procurement processes

Enhance Supply Chain Collaboration

Improve collaboration with suppliers and other stakeholders in the supply chain, minimise rework and improve turnaround times

Seamless Integrations

Integrate with your Product Lifecycle Management, ERP and other enterprise systems to achieve end-to-end automation


MeRLIN Workflow Management

MeRLIN’s highly configurable platform allows you to manage procurement business processes more efficiently using streamlined and auditable workflows with enterprise wide visibility.


MeRLIN Workflow Management Features

Streamline Procurement Processes and Expedite Processing

Multi-level Approvals

Configure multi-level approvals for each of your business processes and make each level optional or mandatory.

Routing Rules

Define conditional routing rules for each level based on approval data.

Audit Logs

View and collect information about every change made in the system during procurement including details of who made the change, where and when.

Role-based Approvals

Choose the roles that needs to approve each level.

Exception Approvals or Non-Preferred Waiver

Configure workflows for handling exception scenarios as well as non-preferred waivers when procuring from a non-preferred supplier

Delegations and Transfers

Delegate or transfer in-flight and future business transactions to improve turn-around-time.



Uncover meaningful insights from your sourcing data and trends that translates to new opportunities for savings and growth.

MeRLIN Strategic Sourcing Solution Factsheet