
Are you managing your procurement function with your existing ERP system?

With the data about spend, suppliers, specifications and inventory available in your ERP, it is natural to think that sourcing and procurement is a natural extension of your ERP system. But the truth is it rarely works that way in practice.

Complexities of procurement, especially in the current circumstances have evolved to span broader areas including supplier risk management, supplier collaboration, eSourcing and creating strategic partnerships. Building supply chain resilience and agility requires procurement teams to evaluate suppliers more rigorously using a more strategic, analytics driven approach to the upstream procurement activities using sourcing, vendor management and downstream activities such as contract management and supplier expediting.

Most ERP systems offer some out of the box or bolt-on procurement modules that can get the job done. On the surface, that sounds great. But as you go deeper, most of the ERP systems only provide very basic purchasing capabilities and only limited support for upstream sourcing and contracting needs.

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