Payment Terms Review with MeRLIN

Standardize Payment Terms across your Supplier Base

Review you Suppliers’ payment terms to manage your cash flow more effectively.


Get a unified view of payment terms across your supply base

Optimize Cash Flow

Review payment terms to manage cash flow better

Create Value

Identify most favorable payment terms, negotiate better with suppliers


MeRLIN Payment Terms Review

MeRLIN’s Payment Terms Review feature allows organizations to do a bulk payment review across the supplier base to identify cash flow optimization possibilities.


Review Payment Terms to Save Money

Identify emerging opportunities to cut costs, improve sustainability and lower risks

A Single Source of Truth

No more chaos of paperwork and spreadsheets. Create a single source of truth for all your procurement data spread across disparate sources to ensure accuracy and efficiency of your sourcing process.

Increase Savings

Increase Spend-Under-Management, view your sourcing patterns, supplier performance, payment terms, etc to identify unmanaged spend - maverick spend, rogue spend or tail spend, saving opportunities and areas of improvement.

Integrate the Enterprise

Integrate your procurement with your ERPs and PLM/PDM tools to ensure seamless data flow across your systems.

Shorten Sourcing Cycles

Reduce manual errors, improve supplier collaboration & turnaround times with response templates and end-to-end automation.

Improve Visibility

Speed up decision-making using real-time data and analytics to analyse Spend, Savings, Suppliers, Variance, Bill of Materials, etc.



Uncover meaningful insights from your sourcing data and trends that translates to new opportunities for savings and growth.

MeRLIN Strategic Sourcing Solution Factsheet